Monday, January 14, 2008

Picture Pages

I thought I would go through some of my pictures so people could see a little of our trip. As I went through them I realized there where just a whole lot of us standing in a random place for snapshot. Not really exciting. I sifted thru what I could to not bore anyone.

I know we told everyone we were going to Jamaica to get married but really I was hired to model for Red Stripe Beer.

This is what happens when you get paid in beer.

Here is my bride, this picture is to help the get the image of me in my robe out of your head.

No self respecting tourist cant leave Jamaica without this pic. I have one of me also but I would never post it. Too embarassing.

We spent plenty of time here and at the beach.

We were sad to leave.

The End.


andyH. said...

i like your clam-diggers (man-prees?). what self respecting guy would where those?

oh wait...nevermind.

Big Steve said...

I noticed those as well. Had been a long time since I thought about the semantics of clam-diggers vs capris vs man-prees.

Josh B said...

Listen you crazy crackers... I rolled up my pants... to keep from getting wet. I know better than to try and rock the manprees, if Andy cant even pull them off there is no way I could.